Friday, July 6, 2012

Hello, my name is Annalice Weatherly, and I am a student at LaGuardia Community college.  In my ENG260 novel class, I decided for my second blog, it will be a Creative writing reflection based on Fanny Fern’s Ruth Hall novel.  In this blog, I explore a very specific part of the book that caught my interest.

            One of the characters that truly intrigue me in Ruth Hall is Ruth’s mother-in-law Mrs. Hall.  Mrs. Hall is a very peculiar woman.  She preaches things she does not practice and she makes her own rules.  She claims she is a Christian, but her actions prove otherwise.  “Young people , now-a-days, seems to think that money comes in showers, whenever it is wanted; that’s a mistake; a penny at a time-that’s the way we got ours; that’s the Harry and you will have to get yours” (Fern 12).  She is supposed to be a good Christian and yet she won’t give her own daughter-in-law a penny if she needs it.  However, she doesn’t have any problem taking her daughter-in-law’s pension money from her.  She is always lecturing Ruth on how to be a better person, yet she is the biggest hypocrite person that ever works this planet. “It is my opinion the child’s death was owing to the thriftlessness of her mother. I don’t mourn for it, because I believe the poor thing is better off” (Fern 50).  What a cruel thing to say about a mother who just lost her child; the child being your own grand daughter.
            The climax of the novel for me is Ruth’s success.  Although Ruth is very intelligent, she is also very humble.  She suffers a lot, but she does not let that justifies her.  As a matter of fact, Ruth uses her pain and suffering to motivate herself and improve as a person.  I love how she proves to everyone she could succeed.  I would have paid anything to see the look in her mother-in-law’s face when she found out the book she loves so much had been written by non other than her hatred daughter-in-law.  “Impossible! Screamed the old lady, growing very red in the face, and clearing her throat most vigorously” (Fern 261).  Ruth would have said in your face, but I would.  I thought that was the best part of the book.                   


  1. First, I’d like to say two things: Nice job setting up the reader for what your blog is going to be exploring, and also your passion really comes out in your writing. That being said, the reader may benefit from a quick summary of the novel, or even a quick sentence on one of Ruth Hall’s predominant themes. This could be included in your introduction just after your mention of the novel you’re reflecting upon. Nice job with your in-text citation on all of your quotes, but remember if you cite something directly to also include a citation at the end of your piece. Again, I think you make very passionate statements, and have strong, personal opinions, which as the reader I appreciate. Your second blog shows a great progression from your first, so great job!

  2. Hi Anna-
    I think you did a great job in the organzization of your blog. Not having read the novel I actually do have a better understanding of the charecters. You gave a strong opinion and provided great evidence by providing quotes from the text. The only thing i would add might be considering giving the reader a little more of a summary to what the story is about though, just for those who have not read it. Also watch out for little grammatical errors. All in all, Good Job!

  3. A Great Job! You hit the point!! Check you voice because in some sentences sound different and makes me think that two people wrote this blog.
