Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blog Assignment One
            Linda Grasso’s short critical essay on Fanny Fern explores women’s status in a society dominated by men.  Women have no identity because they are living under men’s shadows.  They depend on men for mostly everything.  Consequently, these women feel confine, which in turn provokes anger toward the men in their family. Stanton seems to believe that Fern’s motive is for women to acknowledge their anger towards men because it ‘is both justified and politically powerful.’
            There is a part in the novel that supports the last statement.  In my opinion Daisy died because both Harry, Ruth’s husband and her father fail to pay attention to Ruth when she told them Daisy was really sick.  In page 46 Ruth told Harry Daisy was sick, but he brushed it off and told her to go to sleep without a second thought to how concerned she was.  Similarly, when the child got worse and Ruth insisted that her husband sent for help, his father who happened to be the doctor sent a bottle of medicine as opposed to pay the child a visit.  Daisy died and part of Ruth died with her daughter.  With that being said, Ruth has every right to direct her anger at both her husband and father in-law for letting her child died when she could have been saved had they listened to her.          


  1. First of all, I believe you analyzed and made some interesting points based on Grasso’s essay. However, had I not read the essay I may not have been able to understand what you were referencing. I believe you are on the right track in making this clarification when you quote the article at the end of your first paragraph, but remember to use MLA citation when you are referencing another’s words or work (just a quick tip: with an online source, they basically just give you the citation, and it really just needs a quick check and you can put it right at the end of your writing). In your second paragraph you make a good effort to pick out specific points in the book (remember to cite), but as the reader, I could really benefit from a quick plot summary of the novel, or at least up until to parts where you are making your analysis. You did a good job picking points to peek my interest, and I think it may just take a little more clarification to round out your ideas.

  2. After reading and analysing Linda grasso's short essay. first of all the idea is undestood but the theisis seems to be unclear or it is not implied in the first paragraph, i don't any primary topic sentence that should be detailed later on. the second point is the absence of MLA citation in the last sentence of first paragraph, remember to be always a good friend with MLA citation. the final point is about the second paragraph, it is clear and undestood but i am little bit confused about when you said: "Daisy died and part of Ruth died with her daughter" my question is:what do you mean by "part of Ruth died with her daughter" ?
