Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blog Assignment One
            Linda Grasso’s short critical essay on Fanny Fern explores women’s status in a society dominated by men.  Women have no identity because they are living under men’s shadows.  They depend on men for mostly everything.  Consequently, these women feel confine, which in turn provokes anger toward the men in their family. Stanton seems to believe that Fern’s motive is for women to acknowledge their anger towards men because it ‘is both justified and politically powerful.’
            There is a part in the novel that supports the last statement.  In my opinion Daisy died because both Harry, Ruth’s husband and her father fail to pay attention to Ruth when she told them Daisy was really sick.  In page 46 Ruth told Harry Daisy was sick, but he brushed it off and told her to go to sleep without a second thought to how concerned she was.  Similarly, when the child got worse and Ruth insisted that her husband sent for help, his father who happened to be the doctor sent a bottle of medicine as opposed to pay the child a visit.  Daisy died and part of Ruth died with her daughter.  With that being said, Ruth has every right to direct her anger at both her husband and father in-law for letting her child died when she could have been saved had they listened to her.